Catch up
- Day 1 Catch up
- Day 2 Catch up
Thursday 19th May
Abstinence versus reduced drinking
Employers and workplace drinking
Alcohol Change UK
Children and alcohol
Personal story and national overview of D&A services
Global addiction research
Latest alcohol research
Opening session
Why alcohol is the most dangerous drug known to man
Friday 20th May
Current state of drug and alcohol services in UK and the way forward
The impact of addiction on friends and family and their role in recovery
Operation Courage – supporting vets with alcohol addiction
Personal story of a mother with alcohol addiction
Dispelling unhelpful myths & turning alcohol treatment on its head
Current drug and alcohol service provision across Shropshire
Social and family interventions and the 5-step approach
Lived experience
Father and son in recovery
Shropshire recovery partnership
Supporting employees who drink
Managing alcohol use services
Spoken word poet