Stuart and son

Stuart is a member of AA and is now 31 years sober. He provides a service within prisons, as well as working as a telephone responder to support those suffering from alcohol dependency. He will be speaking with his son, who is also an AA member and 23 years sober, about their experiences and how […]
John Bale

John Bale is CEO of the NalPlan Clinic which provides an alternative to the twelve step approach. He will be talking about their treatment programme, the Sinclair Method, which is based on the extinction of the pleasurable effects of drinking using a combination of Naltrexone and counselling.
Chip Somers

Chip is a former government advisor on drug and alcohol policy, and founded the renowned Focus 12 rehabilitation centre, which he ran for almost twenty years. He now runs a private counselling practice in London and Co- founded “ Soberful” an internet based support and advice service at Chip is also is trustee of […]
Philippe Bonnet

Philippe has over 17 years’ experience as a drug worker and trainer for various drug treatment providers. He is the Chair of the National Needle Exchange Forum and a Consultant on injecting equipment, naloxone formulations and Opioid Substitution Therapy products. He specialises in Harm Reduction and Blood Borne Viruses, and has been testing the most […]
Richard Leith

Richard Leith is an alcohol counsellor and the Operations Manager at TACT (Telford After Care Team). He will be talking about the incredible service user led work TACT are doing at their base in Wellington, and describing dynamic approaches to peer led recovery
Professor David Nutt

David Nutt is currently the Edmund J Safra Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology and Head of the Centre for Neuropsychopharmacology in the Division of Brain Science at Imperial College London. He is Chair of Drug Science (previously the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD) a charity that tells the truth about drugs and with which he […]
Sonya Jones

Sonya is a Service Manager for “We Are With You”, providing support to children and young people living in Shropshire. She will be talking about working with young alcohol users in Shropshire, highlighting the issues she faces in providing support, and saying what needs to be done to improve services.
Rachel Robinson

Rachel has worked in public health for over 20 years, and has been Director of Public Health at Shropshire Council for the last 2 years. She will be outlining the current situation regarding alcohol dependence across Shropshire and the rest of England. She will be talking about how Shropshire is seeking to improve services and […]
Lauren Booker

Lauren has worked for over 18 years in the alcohol sector. She specialises in supporting businesses to reduce alcohol-related harm and promote employee wellbeing. Her clients include British Telecom, Allianz Global, the Royal Navy and Eversheds Sutherland. Lauren also regularly advises firms on the development and implementation of effective alcohol policies and supporting employees with […]
Doctor Ed Day

Dr Day is the UK government’s National drug Recovery Champion. This leadership role was created by the government, to bring together expertise and best practice to help England become a centre of excellence in recovery from addiction. Dr Day has led the move of clinical practice towards recovery and has a research interest in […]