James Morris is an alcohol, addiction and behaviour change specialist with  lived experience of alcohol problems. James has over 16 years experience in the field specialising in behaviour change skills and alcohol brief interventions, and has trained thousands of health and social care roles.

James is currently completing his PhD exploring how beliefs about alcohol addiction and problems can influence change. You can read more about this in a Guardian article he authored here. James’ passion for affecting change comes from his past experience of overcoming alcohol problems. He has a strong belief that change is possible and can be engendered by person centred interventions that build a person’s confidence in their ability to do so. He has a particular interest in addiction theory and the importance of non-labelling language in shaping addiction and recovery beliefs and outcomes.

James has advised a range of international and national bodies on the development and delivery of alcohol interventions including the Department of Health and World Health Organization. He has also worked extensively as a consultant, supporting commissioning of effective treatment services and prevention strategies. In 2009 he co-founded the Alcohol Academy, a social enterprise to support and promote effective approaches to alcohol harm reduction.


He  hosts the very popular Alcohol “Problem” Podcast, where he explores the nature of problem drinking with a range of guests.








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